Zdravstvene usluge turistima u javnim ustanovama u Primorsko-goranskoj županiji 2024. godine

Za sva hitna stanja koja ugrožavaju život ili teško narušavaju zdravlje pozovite hitnu medicinsku pomoć na broj 194

Županijske zdravstvene ustanove temeljem ugovornih obveza s HZZO-om pružaju usluge domaćim i stranim turistima koji borave na području Primorsko-goranske županije. U slučaju potrebe za  neodložnom medicinskom pomoći, turisti ostvaruju pravo na zdravstvenu zaštitu pod jednakim uvjetima kao i hrvatski osiguranici uz uvjet da imaju važeću europsku karticu zdravstvenog osiguranja (EKZO). Domaći turisti zdravstvenu zaštitu ostvaruju na temelju važeće iskaznice HZZO-a. U nastavku teksta nalaze se informacije o uvjetima i načinu ostvarivanja zdravstvene zaštite turista.

Za sva hitna stanja koja ugrožavaju život ili teško narušavaju zdravlje pozovite hitnu medicinsku pomoć na broj 194

(naglo nastale poteškoće u disanju, gušenje stranim tijelom, zastoj rada srca i disanja, gubitak svijesti , iznenadna bol u prsima, grčevi (konvulzije), otežan govor, slabost ili oduzetost dijela tijela, iskrivljenost lica, ozljede nastale u prometnim nesrećama i ostale iznenadne ozljede (pad s visine, prostrijeli), neuobičajeno krvarenje, udar električne energije ili groma, pothlađivanje, toplinski udar, utapanje, trovanje lijekovima)

U slučaju nekog akutnog stanja, a izvan radnog vremena turističke ambulante ili ordinacija obiteljske medicine, hitna medicinska skrb bit će pružena u ispostavama Zavoda za hitnu medicinu Primorsko-goranske županije od 0-24 sata.

Lokacije ispostava hitne medicinske službe u Primorsko-goranskoj županiji i sve ostale informacije možete pronaći na web stranici Zavoda za hitnu medicinu: https://www.zzhm-pgz.hr/

U slučaju akutnih bolesti i stanja koja ne ugrožavaju život
(stanja za koja biste inače išli svom liječniku, kao što su upale dišnih putova, viroze, povišena temperatura, manje opekotine, manje nezgode, bolovi u trbuhu, bolovi u leđima … )

… potražite pomoć liječnika kojeg ćete pronaći putem internetske stranice Doma zdravlja Primorsko-goranske županije ili u turističkim ambulantama
Na internetskoj stranici Doma zdravlja PGŽ (www.domzdravlja-pgz.hr ) u rubrici KONTAKTI možete pronaći informaciju o vama najbližim liječnicima, njihove kontakte i adrese, kao i radno vrijeme.

Vikendom i praznikom u Rijeci na adresi Cambierieva 7 dežurna je ordinacija obiteljske medicine od 08:00 do 20:00 sati. Ordinacija je dostupna na broj telefona 051 335 588.

Turističke ambulante trenutno su organizirane na otoku Krku, Rabu, Cresu i Malom Lošinju. Sve informacije o radu turističkih ambulanti nalaze se na idućoj poveznici gdje se sve informacije redovito ažuriraju: https://domzdravlja-pgz.hr/turisticke-ambulante/.

U slučaju potrebe za uslugama pedijatra, ginekologa ili stomatologa potražite njihov kontakt putem internetske stranice Doma zdravlja PGŽ

Na stranicama Doma zdravlja PGŽ (www.domzdravlja-pgz.hr ) u rubrici KONTAKTI možete pronaći informaciju o vama najbližim pedijatrima, ginekolozima i stomatolozima, njihove kontakte i adrese, kao i radno vrijeme.

Vikendom i praznikom u Rijeci na adresi Cambierieva 7 dežurna je pedijatrijska i stomatološka ordinacija od 08:00 do 20:00 sati. Pedijatrijska ordinacija dostupna je na broj telefona 091 251 8525, a stomatološka na 091 251 8524.

Ako je pacijent obavio liječnički pregled i upućen je u bolnicu …
KBC Rijeka na lokacijama Krešimirova 42 u Rijeci te Tome Strižića 3 i V. Dukića 7 na Sušaku zbrinjava sva hitna stanja.

Objedinjeni hitni bolnički prijam Rijeka: tel. 051 658-101, e-mail: hbp-rijeka.prijam@kbc-rijeka.hr

Objedinjeni hitni bolnički prijam Sušak: tel. 051 407-416, e-mail: ohbp-susak.prijam@kbc-rijeka.hr
Sve ostale informacije mogu se naći na web stranici https://kbc-rijeka.hr/

Ako je pacijentu potrebna dežurna ljekarna, sve informacije o tome možete pronaći na web Ljekarne Jadran
Ljekarna Centar na adresi Riva 18 u Rijeci vrši službu noćnog dežurstva tokom cijele godine od 20:00 do 07:00 sati. Radno vrijeme i adresa svih ostalih ljekarni mogu se pronaći na internetskoj stranici http://www.ljekarna-jadran.hr/

Ako su potrebne hitne usluge epidemiološke službe, mikrobiološke službe ili hitna dezinfekcija, dezinsekcija i deratizacija, podaci o kontaktima dežurnih službi dostupni su na broju 112
Sve ostale informacije mogu se pronaći na internetskoj stranici Nastavnog zavoda za javno zdravstvo Primorsko-goranske županije: https://zzjzpgz.hr/

Ako je pacijent doživio traumu lokomotornog sustava, posjekotinu ili postoji sumnja na prijelom kosti, uslugu može dobiti i u Klinici za ortopediju Lovran

U Klinici za ortopediju Lovran organizirana je 24 satna hitna ortopedsko-traumatološka i anesteziološka služba. Kontakti: 051 710 281, 051 710 286, 051 710 271, 051 710 276. Sve dodatne informacije mogu se naći na web stranici http://www.orto-lovran.hr/

Zdravstvene usluge turistima u privatnim turističkim ambulantama u Primorsko-goranskoj županiji 2024. godine

U slučaju akutnih bolesti i stanja koja ne ugrožavaju život možete se obratiti i privatnim turističkim ambulantama

Rijeka SPECIJALNA BOLNICA MEDICO Agatićeva 8, Rijeka 01.07.-30.10.
ponedjeljak – nedjelja 8 – 20 h
385 99 383 7523
Mošćenička Draga
ponedjeljak – petak 9-16 h, subota 9-14h, nedjeljom zatvoreno
385 91 173 7421
Baška CROMEDIC ASSISTANCE d.o.o. Ulica Emila Geistlicha 39, Baška 31.05.-14.06.
pon-ned 9-17 h 15.06.-15.09.
pon-ned 9-19 h 16.09.-30.09.
pon-ned 9-17 h
385 91 209 8444
Nerezine LJEČILIŠTE VELI LOŠINJ Marinculićeva 2, Nerezine 03.06.-13.09.
9-15 sve dane osim subotom
385 99 236 1118

Health services for tourists provided by public institutions in the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County in 2024

On the basis of contractual obligations with the HZZO (Croatian Health Insurance Fund), the Region’s health institutions provide services both for national and foreign tourists staying in the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County. In case of need for urgent medical assistance, tourists are entitled to health care under the same conditions as Croatian insured persons provided they have a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). Domestic tourists can access health care if they have a valid HZZO card. The following text provides information regarding the conditions and ways of access to health care services for tourists.

In case of life-threatening emergencies or serious health issues, call 194 for emergency medical assistance
(sudden breathing difficulties, choking on foreign objects, cardiac and respiratory arrest, loss of consciousness, sudden chest pain, spasms (convulsions speech difficulty, weakness or paralysis of body parts, facial distortion, traffic accident injuries and other sudden injuries (falls from heights, gunshot wounds), unusual bleeding, electric shock or lightning strike injuries, hypothermia, heat stroke, drowning, medicine poisoning)

In case of an acute condition occurring outside the working hours of tourist medical clinics or family medicine practices, emergency care is provided 24/7 by medical clinics at branch offices of the Institute for Emergency Medicine of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County.

Locations of emergency medical service branch offices in the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County as well as all other information can be found on the website of the Institute for Emergency Medicine of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County: https://www.zzhm-pgz.hr/

In case of acute illnesses and non-life threatening conditions

(conditions for which you would normally see your doctor, such as airway inflammation, viral infections, high fever, minor burns, minor accidents, abdominal pain, back pain, etc.)

…seek assistance from a doctor listed on the website of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County Health Center or visit a tourist medical clinic
You can find information about the nearest doctors, their contact details and addresses, as well as their working hours, on the website of the Primorje-Gorski Kotary County Health Center (www.domzdravlja-pgz.hr ) under CONTACTS.

During weekends and public holidays in Rijeka, at Cambierieva 7, there is an on-duty family medicine clinic open from 08:00 to 20:00. The clinic can be reached at 00385 51 335 588.

Tourist medical clinics are currently organized on the islands of Krk, Rab, Cres and Mali Lošinj. All information about the operation of tourist medical clinics can be found at the following link: https://domzdravlja-pgz.hr/turisticke-ambulante/, which is regularly updated.

If you need services of a pediatrician, gynecologist or dentist, you can find their contact information on the website of the Primorje-Gorski Kotary County Health Center.

You can find information about the nearest pediatricians, gynecologists and dentists, their contact details and addresses, as well as their working hours, on the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County Health Center website (www.domzdravlja-pgz.hr ) under CONTACTS.

On weekends and public holidays, there is an on-duty pediatric and dental clinic located at Cambierieva 7, open 08:00 to 20:00. The pediatric clinic can be reached at 00385 91 251 8525, and the dental clinic at 00385 91 251 8524.

If a patient has undergone a medical examination and needs to be admitted to a hospital…
Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka, located at Krešimirova 42 in Rijeka and at Tome Strižića 3 and V. Dukića 7 in Sušak, provides care for all emergency cases.

Comprehensive Emergency Hospital Admission Service Rijeka: tel. 00385 51 658-101, e-mail: hbp-rijeka.prijam@kbc-rijeka.hr

Comprehensive Emergency Hospital Admission Service Sušak: tel. 00385 51 407-416, e-mail: ohbp-susak.prijam@kbc-rijeka.hr
For further information please visit https://kbc-rijeka.hr/

If a patient needs an out-of-hours pharmacy, all relevant information can be found on the Jadran Pharmacy website.
Centar Pharmacy located at Riva 18 in Rijeka provides night-time service throughout the year from 20:00 to 07:00. The working hours and addresses of all other pharmacies can be found on the website http://www.ljekarna-jadran.hr/

If you need emergency epidemiology and microbiology services, or emergency disinfection, disinsectisation and rat extermination, contact details for on-duty services are available at 112
All other relevant information can be found on the website of the Public Health Institute of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County: https://zzjzpgz.hr/

Patients with injuries to the locomotor system, cuts or suspected bone fracture can receive treatment at the Lovran Orthopedic Clinic

The Lovran Orthopedic Clinic provides a 24-hour emergency orthopedic, traumatology and anesthesiology service. Contacts: 00385 51 710 281, 00385 51 710 286, 00385 51 710 271, 00385 51 710 276.
For additional information, please visit http://www.orto-lovran.hr/

Health services for tourists Provided by private tourist medical clinics in the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County in 2024

In case of acute illnesses and non-life threatening conditions you can also contact private medicinal clinics

Rijeka SPECIJALNA BOLNICA MEDICO Agatićeva 8, Rijeka 01.07.-30.10.
Monday – Sunday 8 – 20 h
00385 99 383 7523
Mošćenička Draga
Monday – Friday 9-16 h, Saturday 9-14h, Sunday closed
00385 91 173 7421
Baška CROMEDIC ASSISTANCE d.o.o. Ulica Emila Geistlicha 39, Baška 31.05.-14.06.
Mon-Sun 9-17 h 15.06.-15.09.
Mon-Sun 9-19 h 16.09.-30.09.
Mon-Sun 9-17 h
00385 91 209 8444
Nerezine LJEČILIŠTE VELI LOŠINJ Marinculićeva 2, Nerezine 03.06.-13.09.
9-15 every days except Saturday
00385 99 236 1118
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